Maldives MusingsAuthor: Liz Banks
Year: 2004
Publisher: Upfront Publishing
Country: Maldives
91 pages
greatly admire small press and self-publishing. I think it's admirable.
However, the author loses the editorial perspective that can turn a
personal narrative into one of universal appeal. This is especially
obvious in books whose conceit is "letters home." While they may have
been meaningful and fascinating to the writer and recipients, they may
lack general interest and necessary context. For example, I wrote about
400 letters home when I worked in another country. They're just not that
diverting. Published as is, they would be tedious to read, even,
perhaps, for those of us who were there at the time. If I were to edit
them, retaining portions about my psychological and emotional
development, events that might resonate for others, and non-idiotic
cultural observations, I would have perhaps 25-50 potentialy compelling
but disjointed pages of narrative and observations. That's not a good
book, either. If I felt a need to retain the "letters home" format, my
story might be served best by a pastiche that includes letters, journal
entries, reflections, and a bridging narrative.
speculations also constitute my advice to Liz Banks. I want to know
about her experience in Maldives. I want to know what the experience
meant to her. I want to understand the difference between her home
culture and life in a very different country. Though sections of
Maldives Musings present
these topics, they are fragmented, and (because they are written to
those at home) assume that I know what home is like, or what Banks is
like. Because I don't, the funny parts often aren't funny, the
observations that rely on cultural contrast sometimes are puzzling, and
I'm left wanting to know much more about what she was actually doing on a
typical day in her role as a midwife trainer with Voluntary Services
Overseas (VSO). An editor could have helped Banks simply by asking
This memoir will give you some insight into the
culture and people of Maldives, but probably not as much as you hoped
for when you picked it up.