Title: Tank Girl [vol. 1]
Author/Illustrator: Alan Martin & Jaime Hewlett
Publisher: Titan Books
Year: 2002
Genre: Cartoon (called graphic novel, but it's not)
128 pages
It's not often that a person can say they've read two books with mutant kangaroo characters in a month, but I've accomplished it with my 125th and last book of 2007. The illustrations are fun and the lettering is hard to read. The story, such as it is, is pointless and meandering, but you're not reading it for the story, are you? You're reading it to enjoy a scantily-clad, bandage-wearing, cheap-beer-swilling, anarchistic young woman who drives a supertank and has sex with a kangaroo. If you want the same vibe but without the kangaroo, try The Complete Hothead Paisan: Homocidal Lesbian Terrorist instead.
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