Title: Culture Smart! Thailand: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture
Author: Roger Jones
Publisher: Kuperard
Year: 2003
168 pages
My copy is a British version with a slightly different title from the U.S. edition.
The Thai guidebook is better than some in the series. There is some attention to aspects of culture and history that would help a traveler understand some aspects of contemporary Thailand, and the author provides some specific etiquette and behavior tips. I would still prefer more specific information on how to interact politely (especially in business settings, and for women).
Though there is an effort to be inclusive, the general assumption still seems to be that the reader is a straight, white man who is primarily on a pleasure trip but perhaps in a business context. (I base this on clues such as reference to the reader's fair skin, and information on prostitutes.) As to this last parenthetical point, like many authors, Jones takes the opportunity to assure the reader (in a somewhat defensive tone) that Thai sex work is an opportunity for "the girls" and is not exploitative. One longs for an evenly-balanced presentation of the benefits and detriments, and a more nuanced presentation, if the author feels that information on prostitution belongs in an "essential guide to customs and culture" at all.
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