Title: In the Shadow of Papillon: Seven Years of Hell in Venezuela's Prison System
Authors: Frank Kane and John Tilsley
Publisher: Mainstream Publishing Company
Year: 2008
Country: Venezuela
287 pages
Kane, who seems to think Papillon was a real memoir, was imprisoned in Venezuela after getting caught trafficking drugs. While the treatment her received appears to have been brutal, he is also an aggressive, racist, sexist narrator who doesn't seem to have learned much from the experience. The flavor was very much that of A Million Little Pieces in that it seemed inflated and not genuine. I have no idea what Venezuelan prisons are like, but my point is about emotional veracity. Brother One Cell: An American Coming of Age in South Korea's Prisons and The Damage Done: Twelve Years of Hell in a Bangkok Prison tell a similar story while also answering the question, And why are you telling me this?
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